X3Web Membership with Booking


Once Off

Excluding Hosting


R3999 Setup and R1599pm
Including hosting

The 5-Page website with Brothers. Let each one of your services has its own page.


Get a World class Booking website for your business
This Booking website design is for anyone renting anything
  • Page Headers optimized for sales
  • Landing Page as an introduction to your Booking Website
  • About Page to build trust in first-time clients
  • Shop Page with a search option so your clients can easily find the correct product.
  • Blog posts and News Page to keep your clients updated about news and more.
  • Contact Us Page and form for clients to get in touch easily
  • Global Footer with easy access to your policies, important links, and contact details
  • All Policies to keep you covered in any situation
  • SEO toolkit to help with your search engine results
  • Analytics Toolkit so you can find out how your marketing is working
  • All Booking Pages
  • Up to 20 Bookings loaded by X3Web but no limit to how many you can load
  • Easy Booking Upload thought by an X3Web member so you have control over your products
  • Calendar integration
  • Payment Integration
  • Upsells
  • Added plugins to ensure conversions
  • Analytics toolkits
  • Custom Booking pages
  • Affiliate program installation
  • Membership Plugin and

Once paid, please find your questionnaire as a download. An X3Web Agent will contact you within 24 hours to touch base and learn more about your business.

The questionnaire will teach us what to add to your brand-new website.

For any additional information please reach out to us https://x3web.co.za/contact-us


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