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5-Page Page Website Design


Once Off

Excluding Hosting

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R1200 Setup and R499pm X12 Months
Including hosting

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With a Home page, About Us Page, Services Page, Projects Page, Contact us Page.

Get bigger clients with a 5-page website design by X3Web

Use you 5-page website design as the front door to your business.

  • Get more clients by sending them directly to your website
  • Easy contact Us sections
  • Easy to use for advertising
  • Fast loading times
  • Take up more space on search engines
  • Build trust with more info added to your website

Every day your business does not have a website, your competition is walking away with your clients.


Rise above your competition with a 5-page website designed by X3WEB.
The perfect website for Google search engines and to create trust in your clients.
  • A home page that is the introduction to your business
  • About Us page that goes more in detail about who you are where you are from and where you are going
  • Services page to easily list your services for a new client to see
  • Projects page to show off your recent projects
  • Contact Us page for easier contact with new clients
  • Easy to index on Google and other search engines for all pages
  • Free .co.za domain that you will own
  • Email Setup if you don’t have emails right now
  • Stock images for a beautiful look and feel
  • Speed plugin for that extra loading speed
  • SEO Toolkit to help your business on Google
  • WhatsApp button for easy communication with new clients
  • Facebook pixel installation
  • Analytics toolkit so you can see how great your advertising is working

Take more space on Google and other search engines with a 5-page website design

Show your clients how great your work is with your projects page

Have a greater chance of being found with 5 pages

Once paid, please find your questionnaire as a download. An X3Web Agent will contact you within 24 hours to touch base and learn more about your business.

The questionnaire will teach us what to add to your brand-new website.

For any additional information please reach out to us https://x3web.co.za/contact-us


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