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10-Page Website Design


Once Off

Excluding Hosting

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R1999 Setup and R849pm X12 Months
Including hosting

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Same as the 5-pager , but each services has its own page.

Advertise your services separately for better results with a 10-page website design

Be in control of your advertising needs.

    • Get more clients by sending them directly to your website
    • Easy contact Us sections
    • Easy to use for advertising
    • Fast loading times
    • Take up more space on search engines
    • Build trust with more info added to your website
    • Advertise all your services separately for better results

Every day your business does not have a website, your competition is walking away with your clients.


Go into detail with a 10-page website designed by X3WEB.
A 10-page website is the perfect website to really go into detail about your services offered
  • Perfect for Google Adwords as each service page can have its own campaign
  • Perfect For Facebook ads and concentrate on each of your services individually
  • Perfect to share
  • The client gets all the information on 1 page of any specific service you offer
  • Easy to index on Google and other search engines
  • A home page that is the introduction to your business
  • About Us page that goes more in detail about who you are where you are from and where you are going
  • Services page to easily list your services for a new client to see with a button at each service to link to your individual service page
  • Service pages to give info about a specific service and be able to advertise each service individually
  • Projects page to show off your recent projects
  • Contact Us page for easier contact with new clients
  • Easy to index on Google and other search engines for all pages
  • Free .co.za domain that you will own
  • Email Setup if you don’t have emails right now
  • Stock images for a beautiful look and feel
  • Speed plugin for that extra loading speed
  • SEO Toolkit to help your business on Google
  • WhatsApp button for easy communication with new clients
  • Facebook pixel installation
  • Analytics toolkit so you can see how great your advertising is working

Increase your visibility on Google and other search engines with X3Web SEO added

Show off each service and advertise the service you want more of 

Have a better website than your competition

Once paid, please find your questionnaire as a download. An X3Web Agent will contact you within 24 hours to touch base and learn more about your business.

The questionnaire will teach us what to add to your brand-new website.

For any additional information please reach out to us https://x3web.co.za/contact-us


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