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X3Web Membership Website


Once Off

Excluding Hosting

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R2999 Setup and R1199pm X12 Months
Including hosting

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With a Home page, About Us Page, Services Page, Projects Page, Contact us Page.

Generate a monthly income with a X3Web membership website design by X3Web
  • Monthly recurring income
  • Membership only pages
  • Different membership pages
  • Custom account page
  • Forum intergration

Every day your business does not have a website, your competition is walking away with your clients.


Generate a monthly income with a X3Web membership website design by X3Web
This website is perfect for recurring payments
  • Membership Website
  • Optimized Page Headers
  • Landing Page
  • About Page
  • Membership Page
  • Blog post and News Page
  • Contact Us Page and form
  • Global Footer
  • All Policies
  • SEO toolkit
  • Analytics Toolkit
  • All membership Pages
  • Sales Channel Integrations
  • Email Marketing Toolkit
  • 5 Private members pages
  • Account Pages
  • Custom members only Functionality
  • Payment Integration
  • Upsells

Become a passive income earner with a X3Web membership website

Once paid, please find your questionnaire as a download. An X3Web Agent will contact you within 24 hours to touch base and learn more about your business.

The questionnaire will teach us what to add to your brand-new website.

For any additional information please reach out to us https://x3web.co.za/contact-us


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