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Domain Hosting

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What is Domain Hosting?

  • Domain: Think of a domain as your home address on the internet. It’s what people type into their web browsers to find your website. For example, “google.com” is a domain.

  • Hosting: Hosting is like renting space on the internet where your website’s files, like text, images, and videos, are stored. When someone types your domain into their browser, the hosting server sends those files to their computer, allowing them to see your website.

  • Domain Hosting: So, domain hosting is essentially the service that combines both the domain registration (where you claim your unique address on the internet) and the hosting (where your website’s files are stored) into one package. It’s like renting both your address and the physical space (server) for your website to exist online.

In simpler terms, domain hosting is like renting a plot of land (the domain) and a house (the hosting server) to build your website on the internet.

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